Missionary in DRC's North Kivu: 'We don’t know what will happen tomorrow'

Humanitarian workers were evacuated long ago from North Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo, while the missionaries have remained because the people need them. “We will only leave with the people in our care,” says Sister Agnieszka Gugała, a Polish missionary sister serving the Church in the midst of one of Africa’s bloodiest conflicts. Read all  

Missionary in DRC's North Kivu: 'We don’t know what will happen tomorrow'

Humanitarian workers were evacuated long ago from North Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo, while the missionaries have remained because the people need them. “We will only leave with the people in our care,” says Sister Agnieszka Gugała, a Polish missionary sister serving the Church in the midst of one of Africa’s bloodiest conflicts.

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