Meanwhile Projects Activating Public Space: Lessons from Pop Brixton and Peckham Levels in London, United Kingdom

A "meanwhile space" refers to the temporary use of an otherwise vacant area—whether it’s an empty shop, a disused building, or a site awaiting redevelopment. The concept revolves around making productive use of these spaces during the interim period before a long-term purpose is established. Essentially, it’s about what happens in the meantime, turning unused spaces into vibrant, functional places during periods of uncertainty or transition.

Meanwhile Projects Activating Public Space: Lessons from Pop Brixton and Peckham Levels in London, United Kingdom
A "meanwhile space" refers to the temporary use of an otherwise vacant area—whether it’s an empty shop, a disused building, or a site awaiting redevelopment. The concept revolves around making productive use of these spaces during the interim period before a long-term purpose is established. Essentially, it’s about what happens in the meantime, turning unused spaces into vibrant, functional places during periods of uncertainty or transition.