Jubilee Films for Pilgrims of Hope: 'Silence'

The 2016 historical drama directed by Martin Scorses with a star-studded cast is one of the movies chosen by Msgr Dario Viganò for the "Faces and Counterfaces of Hope" Jubilee cultural initiative. Here is a review by Fr Greg Apparcel, CSP, who notes he watched it for the fourth time! Read all  

Jubilee Films for Pilgrims of Hope: 'Silence'

The 2016 historical drama directed by Martin Scorses with a star-studded cast is one of the movies chosen by Msgr Dario Viganò for the "Faces and Counterfaces of Hope" Jubilee cultural initiative. Here is a review by Fr Greg Apparcel, CSP, who notes he watched it for the fourth time!

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