Heart Evangelista says her greatest mistake is ‘to trust others too much’

Published March 15, 2024 6:46pm All through the two-part interview of “Fast Talk with Boy Abunda,” Heart Evangelista kept talking about about “being with the wrong set of people” or her guardian angel sending her “mga walang hiyang tao” to teach her a lesson on how to stand up for herself.  On Friday’s episode, she […]

Heart Evangelista says her greatest mistake is ‘to trust others too much’

Heart Evangelista says her greatest mistake is 'to trust others too much' thumbnail

All through the two-part interview of “Fast Talk with Boy Abunda,” Heart Evangelista kept talking about about “being with the wrong set of people” or her guardian angel sending her “mga walang hiyang tao” to teach her a lesson on how to stand up for herself. 

On Friday’s episode, she finally got asked what her greatest mistake.

“To trust others too much,” she answered bluntly.

Heart echoed this answer when she was asked about the most important lesson she learned along the way.

“You cannot trust the most angel-link person,” she began.

“Do not drink the first glass of water someone gives you just because you trust them,” Heart continued.

“You cannot reveal your dreams and aspirations. You cannot reveal your plans and you cannot give them the map to your success. Because people will take advantage of your innocence and your sincerity and your heart,” she said.

According to Heart, the only people you can really trust are your family, and “you only show the blueprint of your life to those you trust.” 

While she kept hinting about her map and blueprint being stolen, the ever-optimist Heart found a silver lining to it all. 

“The best news is, because it’s authentically you, this blue print or this map will continuously change as you grow, so somewhere along the way, whoever took this map will lose their way so wala na ko don.”

Heart and Chiz sat down for a two-part inteview on “Fast Talk with Boy Abunda” where they talked a variety of things including Heart’s early days as a stepmom, their rough patch, and actually expecting as recent as February and then losing the baby.

—LA, GMA Integrated News