Cyberattacks, disinformation, election meddling in the EU: European democracies under pressure

Back to homepage / Shows / Talking Europe Issued on: 22/03/2024 – 13:03 11:49 TALKING EUROPE © FRANCE 24 Disinformation is a central concern for the EU, as it swings into full campaign mode for the European elections of June 6-9. There’s no shortage of threats: from cyberattacks to fake news aimed at sowing confusion […]

Cyberattacks, disinformation, election meddling in the EU: European democracies under pressure

Cyberattacks, disinformation, election meddling in the EU: European democracies under pressure thumbnail

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Disinformation is a central concern for the EU, as it swings into full campaign mode for the European elections of June 6-9. There’s no shortage of threats: from cyberattacks to fake news aimed at sowing confusion in the minds of EU citizens and voters. In this episode we look at the various disinformation techniques being used, as well as who the most vulnerable targets are, and what is being done to counter such attacks – not just by the European institutions, but also by non-governmental bodies and civil society.

Programme prepared by Perrine Desplats, Sophie Samaille and Isabelle Romero

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