Casa Roy / Taillandier Architectes Associés

Located in the village of Bagergue at an altitude of over fifteen hundred meters, "La casa Roy" is a typical Val d'Aran house. In the confrontation with the Romanesque church, listed as a World Heritage of Humanity Site by Unesco, like all the others in the valley, the project was discussed by several commissions and the public before it could go ahead. The house is set back from the main street, "Calle Major", creating a small square where the village's herds could drink. Legend has it that Casa Roy was built on the site of the oldest prehistoric hut in the Val d'Aran.

Casa Roy / Taillandier Architectes Associés
Located in the village of Bagergue at an altitude of over fifteen hundred meters, "La casa Roy" is a typical Val d'Aran house. In the confrontation with the Romanesque church, listed as a World Heritage of Humanity Site by Unesco, like all the others in the valley, the project was discussed by several commissions and the public before it could go ahead. The house is set back from the main street, "Calle Major", creating a small square where the village's herds could drink. Legend has it that Casa Roy was built on the site of the oldest prehistoric hut in the Val d'Aran.