Archbishop of Dhaka: More than 1 million people’s homes are under water

In a wide-ranging interview with Vatican Media, Archbishop Bejoy N. D'Cruze, OMI, of Dhaka, Bangladesh, warns of climbing death toll and immense suffering following deadly floods affecting 5 million, and tells of ongoing suffering of the Rohingya, who, despite their sorrow, are grateful to the Pope for his personal closeness. Read all  

Archbishop of Dhaka: More than 1 million people’s homes are under water

In a wide-ranging interview with Vatican Media, Archbishop Bejoy N. D'Cruze, OMI, of Dhaka, Bangladesh, warns of climbing death toll and immense suffering following deadly floods affecting 5 million, and tells of ongoing suffering of the Rohingya, who, despite their sorrow, are grateful to the Pope for his personal closeness.

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